Old Fashioned Pancakes

Merry Christmas to my favourite readers! Ahh Christmas morning 🙂 After all the kiddies have opened up their presents, a major energy reload is required. And nothing does it better than a batch of the best old fashioned pancakes. No brunch feast is complete without it!

These pancakes are a must on Christmas morning. But the truth is that any day can be pancake day… heck, I make these all the time for me, myself and I. And I am not talking about Bisquick or Aunt Jemima, I am talking good old fashioned, from scratch pancakes. They are actually super easy and take just a few more minutes longer to prepare than those boxed mixes. But the outcome is sooo worth the extra time investment. You end up with tastier and fluffier pancakes! I seriously didn’t realize what pancakes tasted like until I stopped using boxed mixes.


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon white sugar

3 tablespoons butter, melted

1 egg

1 1/4 cups milk

cooking spray

Directions: …

Here is how to prepare it:
Instructions Next Page