10 Discontinued McDonald’s Items That Will Make You Feel Nostalgic

They don’t lie when they say love never lasts. Believe me when I say love hurts, because I’ve been burnt … more than once. I’m sure many of you agree, don’t you, ladies? But unlike normal, the source of my pain and disappointment comes from a rather unusual type of man … Mickey D.
That’s right, imagine the tragedy when one day I walk down the aisle and find that the food I love so much, the particular menu items that perfectly satisfy my taste buds, suddenly vanish without warning. Oh the horror!

That’s why we’re looking at 10 of those items that are unfortunately no longer with us … may they rest in peace.

Chicken choice

From that list are the chicken selections. These crispy strips of tender boneless meat were my number one choice every time I followed this trail. The sound of my heart breaking when I found out these no longer existed was as loud as the crunch was when I bit into them.


McDonald’s should have stuck with what they did best rather than trying to compete with the already established pizza giants. In the late 1980s, they tried a pizza menu that offered different sizes and toppings. In the end, it failed and never got past the regional tasting stage, due to the inauthenticity of the taste and the comparatively higher prices.

Fish McBits

Inspired by their older brother, the Filet-O-Fish, these were introduced as a seasonal item during Lent, but have continued on the menu for a bit longer due to their popularity. They might have been fish sticks, but they certainly hit a big hit! And then they left me in the cold again when they too died.


McSalad shakers

These salads in a drinking cup were the perfect choice for health buffs looking for a take out. While they were hugely successful in the first few months of their introduction, they quickly fell through because, well, you don’t see too many health fanatics lining up at McDonald’s!

Super size

McDonald’s has launched a popular advertising campaign, and who doesn’t remember that fervent voice asking, “Do you want to make this bigger?” The oversized option gave many the ability to get more food for not much more money. But its downfall was preceded by the documentary Supersize Me, which was kind of a revelation to people. This being the age of health conscious people, the giant size did not last long. However, it would have been nice to have the option on days when a regular meal wasn’t enough!


Mickey D tried Italian food again with their McSpaghetti. Options included spaghetti, fettuccini alfredo, and lasagna. But as much as they’ve tried to improve their diner image, McSpaghetti’s failure has proven that it will always be a fast food favorite. Although I never got to try it, I might still be lucky if I were to go abroad as it still lives in other countries.

Onion McNuggets

Based on onion rings, but different enough not to be called “McOnion-Rings,” onion nuggets never felt like the right name for these mini snacks. They were introduced in the late 1970s, but unfortunately they also died out soon after. Although I’m told they still exist somewhere in the middle of Illinois, does anyone want a road trip?


McDLT was the perfect answer to all your soggy bread problems. It offered two separate containers: one for hot ingredients (empanada, cheese, bread) and one for cold (lettuce, tomato). Give the boy who invented this a Nobel Prize, seriously! Unfortunately, this didn’t last long as it took too much packaging which was of concern to the environment.


This menu item was truly an eye opener. Even though it tasted great and everyone seemed to agree, the main problem was that the marketing of this product didn’t seem to be successful. Unfortunately, many Americans found it difficult to associate hot dogs with McDonald’s, and this item was eventually taken off the menu. However, you can still find it in other countries, like Japan.

Arch Deluxe

Introduced in 1996, the Arche Deluxe was a product that attempted to change McDonald’s approach to make it appear a bit more sophisticated. Made with better quality ingredients like chopped bacon, cherry tomatoes and romaine lettuce, this burger was intended for “adults”. Even though it was super delicious, the product didn’t survive long, costing a bit more than regular McDonald’s items due to the superior quality of its ingredients.

That’s it. Although this doesn’t cover all the products that were discontinued by McDonald’s, let’s say they were “leaks”. Still, McDonald’s has managed to get it right, as they make over $ 20 billion a year, so they must be doing something right, right?